In the commercial world people have been using concentrates for decades. When your work is mobile, or you need to be working over large areas the last thing you need is litres of liquid slopping around, more than that it's heavy and lets face face it water is pretty easy to get your hands on. It makes sense to take small quantities of concentrates to fill up with, then add the water later.
When I go to the supermarket and gaze at the shelves it amazes me that the choice of a good concentrate is almost non-existent. You are forced to carry all the cleaning products home in a ready to use state, which just doesn't make sense. And don't even get me started on how much packaging you throw away.
The real problem is that commercial concentrates are usually sold in 5 litre bottles, this makes the container too big for most household storage and it takes so long to get through the product which doesn't seem very sensible. Now that we package the Rapidclean range of products in 1 litre containers it all of a sudden makes commercial concentrates accessible for every house hold.
The concentrates are mixed at different dilution rates so savings vary, an example of actual cost for a disinfectant cleaner is as follows
Purchase 1 litre of concentrate $10.45
Purchase a dispensing bottle and trigger $ 6.90
And make up 42 ready to use bottles so that means each spray bottle of disinfecting spray and wipe costs 41.3 CENTS EACH BOTTLE
I challenge you to look at any retail outlet and buy a quality cleaner for less than 50 cents each
But wait there's more...............think about the reusable bottle.
You have just saved 41 bottles and triggers from land fill or recyclers. And to top it all off we will actually re-fill your 1 litre bottle so the next round is even cheaper